Czech Mate Ministries International
Ken and Linda Stapleton's news site. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146
About Me
- Name: Ken and Linda Stapleton
- Location: Liberec/Seattle, United States
are missionaries living in the Czech Republic since 1997. Their support comes from individuals and churches in the United States and the Czech Republic. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146
Friday, October 13, 2006
Liberec English Camp Aug. 11 - 20, 2006

A group of 53 people attended this year's Liberec English camp. About 1/3 were non-believers. Campers had to take a 40 minute train ride into the mountains and then walk 30 minutes to the cottage with their fully loaded packbacks. It was perfect weather and everyone had an awesome time. A team of 10 Americans joined us from a U.S. military base in Germany. The theme was to be castaways on an uncharted island where they were to get to know the natives and learn to trust their teammates. One day they met the island Chieftain, Chief Htennek (Kenneth spelled backwards) who gave them the assignment to create a team name, cheer and war-paint. They were very creative as you can see by the pictures. Some of the non-believers now attend our English conversation classes and we have continuing opportunities to develop relationships with them. Please pray for them.
Pictures from Chocen English Camp

God knew that Ken needed competent help in the kitchen during Chocen's English camp. As he was preparing to cut watermelon for the morning snack Ken accidently had the knife facing the wrong direction as he wacked it as hard as he could to split it open. It took a 45 minute drive into town and 5 stitches to repair. Needless to say Ken did more supervising that week than hands on activity. We are glad to say that it has healed nicely.
English Camp with Chocen July 19 - 25, 2006

One day later the team from North Carolina and Ken and Linda did another English Camp with the church from Chocen. This was their first. We had a new set of 50 people. We used much of the same material in the mornings but they had their own afternoon and evening programs. They were quite challenging physically and one American girl jokingly called this English camp a death camp. Ken had a wonderful couple who helped in the kitchen and things went more smoothly. There were only 2 English teachers so Linda had more of a challenge but the campers were motivated and eager even if their skills were less. Pictures: Linda's English class learning about clothes; graduation day with hats in the air; Survivor Challenge was to create NATURE GIRL using only matierials found in the woods (you can't see it, but it included smell which was horrendous!)
English Camp with Usti n. O. July 9-18, 2006

For the 4th time we partnered with churches from North Carolina and Usti and took 50 people to a remote forest cabin for a week long English camp. The theme this year was "I am a SURVIVOR of American high school." Each morning the American teens shared about a different year in high school in a creative and fun way and had activites and survivor competitions in the afternoon to re-inforce the lessons. Ken was chief cook: planning, shopping and preparing all the meals. A BIG challenge in a small kitchen with inadequate help and the nearest grocery store 45 minutes away. Linda was 1 of 3 teachers who conducted 1 1/2 hour long English classes each morning. The staff with families (many had small children and grandmothers along to care for them) lived in the large building which housed the kitchen and dining area. The girls bunked in boxcars and the boys slept in tents. The pictures show the American team teaching in the tent; playing games in the field with the tent and main house in the background; prom night in the tent; making graduation hats in the dining area; and graduation day with caps and gowns and then with SURVIVOR t-shirts supplied by the American team. Even though we had hail and rainstorms as well as hot days (in the 90's) and even an afternoon blackout, nothing could stop us from having fun and building friendships.
Seattle team in Turnov, June 22 - July 5, 2006

A team of 8 members from Seattle arrived on June 22nd and partnered with the JB Church in Turnov, CZ to transform their backyard from a jungle into a park. They partnered with the youth group from Liberec to clean out the attic and to do outreaches to the local youth which included a tea house/game night, sports in the park and at the river, rap sessions, and a 4th of July picnic in the renovated backyard. They were also invited into a local school to share in their English classes. The teachers are delighted to have native speakers and this school and another school would be delighted to have another group visit any time there is one in town. Native speakers, anyone?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
July 8, 2006 Petr and Lucka get married

It was a beautiful day for a wedding. It was held in a small village 15 minutes from Liberec. Yes, Linda was 1 of 8 dancing matrons-of-honor. We have known the family since our arrival full time in Czech in 1997 and watched Lucka grow from a bashful child into a lovely Christian woman who will make an excellent wife and ministry partner with her husband. Each Czech wedding we have attended has been a unique experience. There is no set pattern except lots of food and fun long into the night. God bless the happy couple!