Liberec English Camp Aug. 11 - 20, 2006

A group of 53 people attended this year's Liberec English camp. About 1/3 were non-believers. Campers had to take a 40 minute train ride into the mountains and then walk 30 minutes to the cottage with their fully loaded packbacks. It was perfect weather and everyone had an awesome time. A team of 10 Americans joined us from a U.S. military base in Germany. The theme was to be castaways on an uncharted island where they were to get to know the natives and learn to trust their teammates. One day they met the island Chieftain, Chief Htennek (Kenneth spelled backwards) who gave them the assignment to create a team name, cheer and war-paint. They were very creative as you can see by the pictures. Some of the non-believers now attend our English conversation classes and we have continuing opportunities to develop relationships with them. Please pray for them.
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