Czech Mate Ministries International

Ken and Linda Stapleton's news site. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

My Photo
Location: Liberec/Seattle, United States

are missionaries living in the Czech Republic since 1997. Their support comes from individuals and churches in the United States and the Czech Republic. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Here it is !!!  The long awaited video that does a very good job of summarizing and presenting what we have been doing as missionaries in the Czech Republic.  It introduces many people with whom we work and serve, shows several scenes from our adopted country and reveals a large corner of our hearts.  It is our desire that it blesses you and encourages you to pray for and partner with us and others who have committed their lives to world missions.
     You can find it by following this link:
     The documentary runs for 30 minutes and is our gift to you.
