Czech Mate Ministries International

Ken and Linda Stapleton's news site. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

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Location: Liberec/Seattle, United States

are missionaries living in the Czech Republic since 1997. Their support comes from individuals and churches in the United States and the Czech Republic. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

December 2005 in Czech

(Click on any photo to enlarge) On December 17th, 2005 the Liberec church had an outreach to the community in which Ken was asked to play the part of an American Santa. During the play a group of children skated around him in a dance and later children could come sit on his lap and get their pictures taken. Just like in America, real young ones cried but older ones had big smiles.

We were in Czech this year for Christmas and were invited to celebrate with the Rucky family the traditional Czech meal of mushroom souffle, fish egg soup, fried carp and potato salad.


(Click on any photo to enlarge) We got to have two Thanksgivings this year. We had one Thanksgiving feast in Turnov with Pastor Petr Boudny and his guests on Saturday, Nov. 19th. It was a truly international feast, besides two Americans and many Czechs, there were two Russians and one North Vietnamese man.

The other Thanksgiving meal was held on Nov. 26th in Usti nad Orlici with Pastor Daniel in conjunction with an English Camp Reunion. Many Czechs have never seen a whole roasted turkey before. We also invited the pastor and teens from Chocen to our Usti feast as they will join with us this summer for our next English Camp. Czech students from last summer's English Camp had a two hour video conference with the American team from North Carolina.


In November we began two Advanced English classes for the Liberec youth group and their yet-to-believe friends. They meet in our home for one and a half hours of English conversation. We have a class on Monday at 1pm and another on Tuesday at 4:30pm. This helps develop close relationships so we can naturally share our friend Jesus with them. Please pray for all participants. We have also started a Beginning English class in partnership with Pastor Petr Boudny in Turnov to help him minister to his community. We meet in Turnov at his church on Wednesday evenings.

On November 11, 2005 we helped Usti nad Orlici stage their second annual Lantern Walk. Pastor Daniel expected 50 people and we were delighted when 200 showed up. We choose the winners for the best homemade lanterns and had a fireworks display in the church courtyard. (Click on any photo to enlarge)

J-Fest Draws a Crowd

(Click on any photo to enlarge) October 27-29 brought over 700 teens and young adults to Liberec for J-Fest (Jesus Fesitval). Several churches helped produce and run the 3 day event which ministered to young believers and non-believers alike. There were games, discussion groups and concerts. The main concert featured Paul Coleman.
