Czech Mate Ministries International

Ken and Linda Stapleton's news site. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

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Location: Liberec/Seattle, United States

are missionaries living in the Czech Republic since 1997. Their support comes from individuals and churches in the United States and the Czech Republic. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Church Camp

We leave in just a matter on minutes to spend a week in the Southern Sumova Mountains participating in a Camp Meeting organized by churches in Prague and the small North Bohemian town of Turnov. We've been involved with the smaller church for several months now and have sponsored outreaches with them that have used large meals as an invitation point to their community and families. We've hosted events there with far more visitors attended than there are members!
We are providing transportation for a young single mother, Jana, and her three year old son so that they can attend the camp. She first came into contact with the church when she was picked up hitchhiking by the pastor. Somehow, in the back of our minds, she has been marked as the targeted "first fruit" of the new evangelism efforts in that church. Will you be praying this week that the Holy Spirit will be working in her to bring her to His side as we share a week together in Christian fellowship? Check back in a week or so for a report and pictures...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Katka K.

For those of you who were praying going into and during our recent Usti nad Orlici "English Camp" we want you to know that we really did not see any tangible changes in the receptivity of Katka K., the fourteen year-old girl for whom we'd asked specific prayer. We were at a loss how to report to you the outcome of our prayers but there has been a lesson learned. We can't judge the ways and workings of the Holy Spirit. We can just be faithful is our call to pray, sow, and water. He is responsible for the increase. After a seemingly dissappointing departure with no visible fruit, we are now happy to report that He is faithful. Katka has sent us an E-mail message asking for more of what we have and has opened the door for us to refer her to the local pastor and for us to contact her perodically by E-mail and as we engage in follow-up and Camp Reunion activities. Don't give up on us or on Katka!

Monday, July 25, 2005

English Camp for Usti nad Orlici

We've just returned from ten days in East Bohemia where we conducted a children's English Camp in partnership with a church in that region and a visiting team from North Carolina. There were just over fifty people participating and just about half of them were students who have no permanent connection with Christ or the church. We included lots of time for relationship building, instruction, small group discussions, evening programs that focused on life issues and Christ's interest in those areas, and ample time for fun and games.

In the end, we can say that about ten percent of the newer students made significant decisions and numerous more have been tied closely to the church for continued contact and follow up. It is significant that several have asked for additional camp experiences that last longer and go deeper. There were several who returned after the Camp's dispersal to meet again and attend the Sunday morning program and the church building. This, in and of itself, is a major break through in drawing these young people into relationship. We believe that the transformed countenance of the campers is an indication that there will be a great deal more follow up harvesting to enjoy. Thank you for yours prayers during this time. Enjoy the pictures!
