Czech Mate Ministries International

Ken and Linda Stapleton's news site. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

My Photo
Location: Liberec/Seattle, United States

are missionaries living in the Czech Republic since 1997. Their support comes from individuals and churches in the United States and the Czech Republic. Send tax deductible contributions to; CMMI, PO Box 46068, Seattle, WA 98146

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Thanksgiving in Chrastava

For a week in December we were able to host a newly married couple from California who wanted to experience what it was like to be a missionary, Josh and Faith Saar. Faith is the daughter of long time friends, Les and Joyce Carlsen. One of the projects they experienced was preparing, serving and leading worship at our Thanksgiving celebration in Chrastava, a small town near Liberec.
